Today, we took one of our fire-bellied toads out of the ecosystem because we went ahead with the mouse idea. So we now have Stitch the Salamander, Lilo the Toad, and Nani the Albino Mouse. We also dumped lots of crickets into the ecosystem. We observed that the Salamander had mysteriously disappeared, we later found him in a hole he had dug. We also placed another Betta Fish in the pond we have hoping this one doesn't jump out. We sprayed down the inside with water and placed a thermometer strip on the bio-bubble. The thermometer told us that it was around 23 degrees inside.
Dr. Samantha Kyler
11/20/2013 11:46:18 pm

Sarah, I noticed that you talk about what animals you have in your biome. Can you tell me the roles of each animal? Can you tell me why the salamander had dug a hole to hide in? I love how you write paragraphs for each blog, but I would like to see more depth about all of the important aspects of your biome.

Sarah Garner
11/21/2013 12:50:01 am

The insects act as Primary Consumers and Herbivores in the ecosystem and they provide energy for the secondary consumers. The Salamander and Toad act as secondary consumers and carnivores in the ecosystem. The mouse acts as a secondary consumer and a omnivore in the ecosystem because it eats both consumers and producers.
The salamander dug a hole to hide in because they like damp and dark places. Salamanders are also nocturnal, so Stitch may have been looking for a place to hide until night.

Dr. Samantha Kyler
11/21/2013 03:19:28 am

23 degrees what?????? How are you going to monitor your oxygen and your carbon dioxide levels? I could not find your annotated diagram page. Have you tested your soil yet? This needs to be done before you seal up the ecosystem.

Sarah Garner
11/21/2013 06:33:37 am

23 degrees Celsius, which would be around 72-74 degrees Fahrenheit. We have censors on the top of our bio-bubble that read our Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide levels and today we started to experiment with those to make sure they are working properly. We are planning to test the soil really soon.


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