Today we spent our time planning out our ecosystem. We decided to make a woodland ecosystem. We plan to have a mouse and a salamander with many different species of bugs. We also plan to put a little pond inside our bio-dome. We also plan to have a heat lamp represent the sun.
Dr. Rita Neupane
11/21/2013 03:10:17 am

Sarah you have presented some very neat ideas. By adding the heat lamp would there be some way for you to measure the temperature? How would you log it? Has your school provided you sensors for humidity and CO2?
I am very excited to see how your Biome turns out, and how new events unfold with it. Please try to encourage your other class mates on how to write detailed reports like yours. They need more information, I am thoroughly pleased with your blog.

Dr. Rita Neupane

Sarah Garner
11/21/2013 06:39:39 am

We have decided against the heat lamp and there is just a regular light hanging above the ecosystems. We have an aquarium thermometer to measure the temperature of the bio-bubble. We are making graphs in our Math Classes with the data we collect. Yes, the school has provided the censors and today we started to experiment with them to make sure they are working properly.


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