Day 17-
Today we didn't do much. I wish the opening date would get here sooner. I miss opening the ecosystem and interacting with all the organisms inside.
Co2- .99%
Oxygen- 10.85%
Temperature- 72°F
Day 18-
Today we talked about photosynthesis and cellular respiration a little bit. We learned that photosynthesis is the opposite of cellular respiration. Our bean plants seem to be growing more.
Oxygen- 10.36%
Temperature- 68°F
Day 19-
Today we were absent, but we had our other partner record the data.
Co2- .99%
Oxygen- 10.41%
Temperature- 70°F
Day 20-
Today we noticed that our beans have grown magnificently! They are as tall as the roof of the bio-dome. We also noticed that we have some sort of plant growing under the dirt, it seems to be making its way slowly to the surface.
Co2- .99%
Oxygen- 10.26%
Temperature- 72°F
Dr. Rita Neupane
12/12/2013 11:51:14 pm

Sarah it sounds like your ecosystem is moving right along. Something I ask is the Days be put under a new blog post each time, because I have noticed that you have day 17-20 on here. I was a bit confused at first. I really would like to see more pictures also. You are awesome with your postings keep it up, but you need more pictures. You give amazing details and great data.

Dr. Rita Neupane


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